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Showing posts from November, 2019

New Name: The Elusive Introvert

"I want to live simply. I want to sit by the window when it rains and read books I'll never be tested on. I want to paint because I want to, not because I've got something to prove. I want to listen to my body; fall asleep when the moon is high and wake up slowly; with no place to rush off to. I want not to be governed by money or clocks or any of the artificial restraints that humanity imposes on itself. I just want to be, boundless and infinite."  Unknown** Hello! They say "start where you are" so here goes... Nearly seven years since I posted here. Time flies. And a lot  has happened since then. Mostly good, but also some lessons learned along the way.  This blog was formerly called "Alice's Wonderful Life" (sort of a play on words with the Alice in Wonderland thing - so original, sigh). It had bright background colors and chipper-sounding content for the most part. But that's not me. And things are not always wonderful. A...